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advertising design mini cabrio Treviso

Advertising set-up | MINI Cabrio | Roby Marton Premium Gin

Our task is to make the "dreams" (or at least those of our customers) become reality!
We, in Microstudio, have been doing it every day for 55 years!
We try to do it at best by giving 100%, but it is stressful, as all the jobs you say, of course it is true, but sometimes the perfect combination happens ...

... that is, that the client understands the importance of the idea.

The idea is impalpable, indefinite, incomprehensible to the masses, but extremely clear in the mind of those who develop it, it must be treated with respect, we must stop, approach with humility, analyze it, understand it, only then can we begin to act in order to realize it by interpreting it to the best.

The Client: Roberto Marton Premium Gin
The car: Mini Cabrio supplied by Motorsport
The creative: Paolo Socal design ©

Who is from Treviso knows that these names mean quality and passion for their work;
and it is thanks to the passion that was invented: Pimento Roby Marton Gin, that the "digital pen" of Paolo Socal, has "dressed" with one of the most original graphic creations that I can remember in 25 years of work.

As you will understand we could not go wrong, great the stakes, the most COOL car of the summer 2016, had to become reality ...
... and so it was!

The already of its beautiful and desirable MINI cabrio has become a unique piece, the harmonious and at the same time curves of the car were wisely coated with the film adhesive 3M cast film, the most performing adhesive film on the market, this film allowed the decoration in every part of the car, on the doors in particular, a wrapping was applied made by printing the film with our large format plotters, on the car body were applied printed decorations and pre-spaced writings.

The MINI "Roby Marton Premium Gin" is now under the eyes of all of you, nothing has been left to chance, from the choice of films, to the adaptation of the graphic file, to digital printing, to the cutting of adhesive films, to the application , everything has been taken care of in the smallest details.
At the end of these long days, I realize that this car has 55 years of experience (some would call it know-how) another way to say it is: passion for the most beautiful job in the world!
Thanks to Roby Marton for believing in us once again, thanks can not be missed, to Paolo Socal for having created all this.


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